Smarties.bio has an international name but all-Italian roots; it is a young seed company, as are its founders, a group of professionals from the agricultural world by family tradition and studies. The flagship sector is genetic research in horticulture, as well as the fundamental activities of recovery, protection, preservation and distribution of local native varieties, combining tradition with innovation in order to make them suitablefor the modern market. Safeguarding the enormous wealth of typical Italian local varieties, protecting and growing the organic sector, and investing in modern urban agriculture are, for Smarties.bio, values and challenges for an innovative agriculture open to the future.
Following this philosophy, Smarties.Bio works on breeding and varietal development, matching the best innovative techniques of breeding, with respect of tradition.
In particular, the goal of Smarties.bio regards the breeding of varieties for the modern professional market that can not only be resistant to diseases, pathogens and environmental stress, but that are also very performing in open field agriculture, in greenhouse and vertical farming, that have a high shelf life and an excellent resistance to processing for the fresh market and processing.

Research and Development is the main department of Smarties.bio, which creates and proposes the right mix of innovation and tradition, focusing on growth while remaining faithful to its roots.
The aim is not only to offer a 360° consultation, but also to provide assistance for everything related to R&D with a scientific method in agriculture. Smarties.bio is, in fact, the trait d’union between all the elements of the supply chain: a link between growers, distributors, retailers, the world of the processing industry and consumers. In other words, Smarties.bio is a single expert and a trustworthy contact person.

Past, present, but also future: the company approaches urban agriculture thanks to an experimental laboratory for the breeding of specific varieties for Vertical Farming, which is a real and revolutionary solution for the primary production of food. Thanks to a collaboration with leaders in the production of LED agricultural lighting, we implemented experimentation in a controlled and healthy environment.

Gusto Italiano and Smarties.Biodiversity
In a historical phase in which attention to climate change, sustainability
and the environment is of primary importance worldwide, Smarties.bio offers an
innovative contribution to today's agriculture by safeguarding the biodiversity
of the horticultural genetic heritage.

One of the goals of Smarties.bio is to create a supply chain dedicated to organic farming, from breeding to production. The growing organic industry is related to the green philosophy of the company: to live and work sustainably, with a look at prevention, and to preserve the welfare of present and future generations and the environment.

Our services
Smarties.bio works on designing and breeding vegetable varieties, both hybrids and OP, also through the rediscovery and safeguard of native landraces.
Smarties.bio breeds selected varieties of leaf vegetables, fruit vegetables, spring mix, baby leaf, and herbs with attention and care for details.
Our strength lies in the ability to build and maintain good relationships at multiple levels, from local growers to market leaders. This allows us to provide a reliable and comprehensive service to national and global costumers.